Job search stress is real. The economic downturn and dynamic work environment are causing more and more professionals to be out of a job for an extended amount of time. Even the ones who were champions in corporates suddenly find themselves searching for a job.

As we recently observed the World Mental Health Day on 10th October, it’s time to understand and tackle the stress experienced by job seekers head-on. This article explains 10 different ways to overcome the stress of job search.

As I am interacting with more and more professionals who are out of the job currently, I am observing a common pattern. Most of them see this phase of job search as the worst time in their professional life. They feel that it’s gone going to take forever and they don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The confusing and opaque job search process added with the uncertainty of personal finances takes a toll on them. I can observe them losing their confidence. Constant rejection and stress of proving oneself make them lose self-belief.

Some job seekers even experience what psychologists call ‘traumatic mindsets’. These are caused because their self-identities are shattered by the event of losing their job.

Common Patterns of Stress Responses

There are common patterns in the way job seekers react to this stressful phase. Understanding these patterns can help them as well as the people around them to empathise and extend helping hands.

Most job seekers distance themselves from everyday interactions. They try to engage themselves in watching TV or browsing social media instead of working on the situation. 

Most of them lose their self-belief and they feel like they are not good enough for getting the new job. They become mentally weak and find it difficult to adjust to the new situation.

The worst part is they become anxious about the financial future with bills to pay and families to support. They feel a huge burden is on their chests.

How to Handle Job Search Stress

If you are currently undergoing similar stress of job search, here are 9 ways to help you tackle this stress head-on and get rid of the stress.

Acknowledge the stress.

This is the fundamental step. Acknowledge and accept that you are facing stress. Instead of avoiding and distancing from the stress, acknowledging helps you understand and tackle the stress. Discussing your mental state with your partner and family members help you get their support as well.

Maintain perspective

This phase looks forever with no light at the end of the tunnel. But this is the face to be patient. Keep in mind that ‘this shall too pass. This is just a temporary phase in your professional life.

Stay Positive

There is no need to be down in the dumps. Keep your daily routine intact. Have a schedule and daily targets for the job search tasks like applying to job posts, following up with hiring managers etc. But, at the same time, do things like exercising, tending to the garden, listening to your favourite music whatever you like to stay positive.

Be confident

Your confidence is the first impression and the lasting impression in all the interactions with the hiring managers. Even though it’s a difficult face, you have to fake the confidence till you get the confidence. Studies have shown that negative self-talk is demotivating. But on the other hand, positive self-talk also called ‘Pep talk’ helps you boost your confidence. 

Keep repeating these sentences in mind, “I have unique skills and value to offer to companies” “I am going to do great in the next interview”

Remind Yourself it’s a process with a plan

Finally, the job search is a process. It’s not going to get over overnight. Instead of feeling helpless, make a job search plan. Break the goal into small achievable tasks in a particular order and with a definite timeline. This will help you stay on course instead of getting lost in negative thoughts.

Do research, review and prepare

Many things are completely in your control. Do a thorough self-introspection. Identify your strengths unique skills, your wins from your professional life and what value do you bring to the table. 

Do thorough research on different roles available in different industries and companies. Read hundreds of job posts to identify what different companies are looking for and which job roles match your skills and experience. 

Prepare well for the interviews and interactions with HR managers. Make a list of 20 questions that are most likely to be asked looking at your profile and job roles you are applying for. 

You should be loaded with preparation for every step of the jobs search process.

Take breaks

It doesn’t mean that you have to be tired, exhausted and stressed out all the time. Take consistent breaks from work to recharge and reorganize. Even though our jobs are big parts of our identities, we still have family, friends and community to interact with. 

Grab a coffee, take a walk, meet a friend, do deep breathing. Change the scenery to change your perspective. You need a fresh mind with positive thoughts to generate new ideas to get that next job.

Savour Your Wins

Sometimes you will feel like a loser fallen into a ditch. But reflect on your previous wins. How did you crack interviews and got your last job? Did you win an award and recognition from your previous manager? How about when you handled a difficult project successfully? Remembering these wins and positive moments in your professional journey will boost your confidence.

Keep learning

You need not spend all your time on the tasks related to job search. Allocate few hours every day to sharpen your axe. Enrol for some online courses, subscribe to industry newsletters and follow influencers on LinkedIn. You should present yourself to the hiring manager as a professional with up-to-date industry knowledge.

The phase of job search is one of the worst phases of life.  But remember that you are not alone and many high achievers also face such situations. But implementing these 9 steps can help reduce stress easily.

Those who come out of the situation with flying colours accept that this stressful phase prepared them for even greater achievement.  So it’s time to get rid of the job search stress and power through to get ahead faster.

Need professional help to get through this phase faster? I have built a step-by-step ‘Champions Job Search Blueprint’ to help you get your dream job fast. Book a free 1-1 call with me here.